Documentation macros (in AsciiDoctor, PHP and WordPress shortcodes) to easily make links to API docs and embed images

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Upcoming viewport manual

Writing engine documentation is so much easier now! In progress: I’m writing important new manual chapters about using viewport within the editor. It is really easier now with AsciiDoctor + macros I describe below, the improvements to our website infrastructure were absolutely worth it.

Following my plans, I have addressed 2 “pain points” of writing documentation: easily linking to API docs and embedding images. Now in AsciiDoctor you can use macros cgeref, cgeimg to easily add a reference / images. Sample of usage:

References to API docs: 

* cgeref:TCastleScene[]
* cgeref:ApplicationProperties[]

// You don't need to care in which unit they are defined.
// You don't need to care how PasDoc generates link to them
// (using anchors, like for procedures, or special pages, like for classes).
// Uses new PasDoc PHP output.

Some images:

cgeimg::block[aaa.png|Description of AAA]
cgeimg::float[dragon_0_wire.png|Dragon,gamma_nogamma_helmet.png|Gamma Correction]
  gamma_nogamma_helmet.png|Gamma Correction

// The thumbnails will be auto-generated. 
// The syntax is short, and just exposes the 2 image layouts we need: 
// on the side, or within the main content flow.

I wrote extensive documentation of them in cge-www README.

Analogous PHP functions cgeref, cgeimg can be used in PHP.

Analogous WordPress shortcodes cgeref, cgeimg can be used for WordPress news posts.


  • We’ll keep the current separation of WordPress vs AsciiDoctor for some time. This works nicely: Use WordPress for news, use AsciiDoctor for non-news. AsciiDoctor is better for version control and grepping. WordPress is better for auto-sending to other social platforms. Maybe a different resolution of this will come one day, for now the current situation actually addresses all needs (for news and non-news) best.

  • The PHP way of writing docs is obsolete. With time, we will migrate all or almost-all of our documentation to AsciiDoctor (I already wrote some EmacsLisp helpers that I’m using for this). I suspect some exceptions (like main page) may remain custom-coded in PHP, but these will be exceptions.

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PasDoc new feature: PHP output, useful for Castle Game Engine documentation to improve our API links

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PHP map generated by PasDoc

Following my recent post, I am working intensively on CGE documentation updates.

PasDoc is a Pascal documentation generator, used by Castle Game Engine and many other projects. As it happens, I (Michalis) am also the developer of PasDoc now 🙂

To make it easier to develop a certain macro on CGE website, I have added a PHP output to PasDoc. This generates a map, in PHP language, that allows to map Pascal identifier name -> HTML page containing documentation for it. It allows our documentation (using a mix of AsciiDoctor, PHP, WordPress now) to be more aware of CGE API, and easily link/search to it. See the documentation of PHP output in PasDoc for examples how you can use this.

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Summary of 2021, plans for 2022!

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Castle Game Engine + Delphi: terrain example
The Unholy Society - NPC dialogue
Effekseer particle effect in Castle Game Engine editor
Platformer demo - game

I hope you enjoyed the packed series of Castle Game Engine news last week.

It’s time for the first news in 2022: summary of 2021 and plans for 2022!

Before we start, I want to thank everyone who contributed to the engine in 2021. Together, we work on making a great open-source game engine. I have really big plans for what we can achieve in the future. Thank you for joining me in this!

Most important things we did in 2021

  1. 7.0-alpha.1 release with loads of new features.

  2. Sprite Sheet editor, to easily design and use sprite sheets (see news).

  3. Many improvements to TUIState possibilities, docs, creating new state in editor.

  4. TCastleBehavior, a way to enhance TCastleTransform behavior.

  5. Designing fonts, sounds, other non-visual components in the editor.

  6. Primitives like box, sphere, 3D text in editor for easily designing.

  7. Many platformer demo updates, it is also on now.

  8. While not yet part of CGE repo, we have 2 approaches for particle effects in CGE being developed.

  9. Inspector available under F8 in any debug game.

  10. Delphi port, merged to CGE master now.

  11. Integration with Vampyre Imaging Library.

Plans for 2022


  1. Editor improvements for 3D and 2D levels design:

    1. Better camera/navigation in the CGE editor. Like in most other 3D applications, the “camera that will be used at start of the game” should be a normal 3D entity in the world, separate from “camera that is used at design-time”. See TCastleCameraTransform in examples/creature_behaviors/code/ for start of it.

      Right now, design-time camera/navigation and runtime camera/navigation are the same, which makes it esp. cumbersome to switch navigation for design-time when you don’t want to change the mode for runtime.

    2. Ability to modify lights in CGE editor. New classes TCastlePointLight, TCastleSpotLight, TCastleDirectionalLight, TCastleEnvironmentLight.

      Right now, you have to set up lights in 3D authoring software (like Blender), and export to glTF. At runtime you can modify lights using X3D nodes for lights.

    3. Ability to modify materials in CGE editor of the TCastleScene. Materials present is scene (with names derived from underlying names in glTF, X3D etc.) should be slots that you can configure in the editor. This should also extend currente material config at primitives, like TCastleBox and TCastleSphere.

      Right now, you have to configure materials in 3D authoring software (like Blender). At runtime you can modify materials using X3D nodes for materials.

    4. Physics components (TRigidBody, TCollider and descendants) expressed as behaviors, and with auto-size by default. You should be able to design and test CGE physics in our editor.

    5. Utilities for typical 3D games (CreatureCreatures / CastleResources / CastleLevels / CastleItems / CastlePlayer) should be replaced with a better API and everything should be easy to make in editor. See planned features.

      New class TCastleMoveAttack and remake examples/fps_game/ demo to be designed 100% in editor.

  2. Official Steam integration in CGE. We already used it for The Unholy Society, we want to either “just publish that approach” or propose a new, improved (without an intermediate “wrapper” library) approach.

  3. Nodes optimization. Our current X3D nodes are unnecessarily heavy on memory. This matters in some cases, if you’d like to compose your game world from lots of scenes. This is already in progress, provoked by issue #285.

  4. Documentation and promotion:

    1. Upgrade of the main page to emphasize our features.

    2. Upgrades of the documentation to describe the editor, as I outlined in previous post.

    3. We need to gain more users of the engine. Esp. now that we have Delphi compatibility, which opens us for more devs.

  5. Engine 7.0-alpha2 release ASAP (in January 2022, after some documentation updates).

  6. Engine 7.0 release in 2022!

  7. WebGL port, using recently announced FPC WebAssembly target!

    Yeah — we already planned WebGL port using pure pas2js. Using FPC+WebAssembly means that it is easier to do and result will be more efficient.


  1. Physics abstraction layer, with alternative physics engine being Bullet.

  2. Rendering abstraction layer, with alternative renderer being Vulkan.

  3. Explore USD – Universal Scene Description support, as a first-class citizen, alongside glTF and X3D.

  4. Terrain designer, see planned features.

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Many documentation upgrades, using AsciiDoctor as our primary way to write documentation, Michalis thoughts and plans about our documentation

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CGE website
CGE website

Documentation upgrades done lately

Lots of documentation (in particular from wiki) was reworked, simplified, updated, consolidated with other pages… See in particular:

We converted 100% of our GitHub wiki contents to AsciiDoctor. This was done using kramdown-asciidoc and lots of manual tweaking.

Resulting AsciiDoctor sources are here. Editing them is trivial, and the HTMLs are auto-regenerated when updating the website. Note also the text To improve this documentation just edit the source of this page in AsciiDoctor (simple wiki-like syntax)…. at the bottom of new pages, with ready links to edit each page!

We have pretty URLs for pages generated by AsciiDoctor. So now we have instead of previous

We also have nicer “404 not found” page now, try it:


I was thinking lately of updates to our documentation. They come down to 2 big things:

  1. Main page rework, to emphasize all our features using screenshots.

    For this, it is obvious I should just follow one of the numerous templates. We already use WordPress (for news) and own theme using Bootstrap. So we can easily adapt one of the numerous WordPress / bare Bootstrap templates.

  2. Lots of manual updates, to document the fact that you can (and should, in simple cases) do many of the basic things using the editor. E.g. current manual describes usage of TCastleScene from code (and disregarding typical cross-platform app organization, that we advise). It should instead describe using TCastleScene from editor, and from code too, and placing most stuff in TUIState instances.

    I can pinpoint some pain-points of editing current docs in our PHP website:

    1. Writing API references is tiresome (need to spell out part of the generated URL).

    2. Adding images is tiresome (it breaks the workflow, to add new image, which is troublesome as lots of manual pages should get more screenshots).

    3. Formatting is a bit tiresome, and in effect we had docs spread between manual PHP/HTML and GitHub wiki.

Thoughts: Various approaches to documentation

I used a number of approaches for online documentation throughout my life, and within CGE.

  • DocBook (e.g. for compositing shaders (to both HTML and PDF), my Ph.D thesis),

  • LaTeX (e.g. for shadow maps paper).

  • AsciiDoctor: I used this for modern Pascal introduction, sources on GitHub.

    This is very comfortable for editing, markup language is wiki-like (but can be processed reliably by more tools, as AsciiDoctor is more standardized than Markdown).

    The output is customizable, so it can be made to fit within a website.

  • Jekyll (I used it for PasDoc website):

    + excellent version control integration, you commit markup (e.g. using Markdown or AsciiDoctor) to version control

    + secure: you just generate HTML, and put it on your website. No need for server-side or client-side scripting, when you can just put HTMLs on your website, when all you need is a static website.

  • News using WordPress: WordPress is good, esp. I like

    + customizable shortcodes (e.g. to solve the “easy way to add API docs links”)

    + easy way to edit news

    + easy way to upload images

    My main concern of doing 100% content in WordPress is that you don’t have version-control support. While WordPress has versioning, it is nowhere as comfortable as “just a bunch of text files in a GIT repo”.

    + we want to use existing templates for WordPress sites. So using WordPress is beneficial to be able to use existing themes.

  • GitHub wiki:

    + easy to use mark-up language, as above

    – lack of ways to customize it, looks like alien when mixed with our website

    – cannot add images, you have to upload them to normal website manually anyway. So adding images is least comfortable in this case, which makes it a “no-go” for our documentation that should have lots of screenshots.

    – lack of http redirects

  • Our website using hand-crafted PHP with theme based on Bootstrap, which is our current main way to write website:

    + 100% flexible

    + PHP performed some part of “customizable shortcodes” that we need

    + looks native, we do what we want, using common theme, manual headers, automatic ToCs etc.

    – still some work to add new images, this is tiresome when writing documentation with lots of screenshots. You put them in htdocs/images/original_size, run make, add PHP/HTML code to include them.

We need to make improvements:

  1. easy uploading images to current cge-www images/ , autogenerate their thumbnails

    This can be extension of current PHP code.

    A tag that adds images, and allows to upload image also in special website mode.

  2. easy shortcode to add API docs.

    This can be extension of current PHP code (apidoc can be easier, to take auto-generated PHP table of Pascal identifiers). We already have PHP function used like <?php api_link('TCastleScene', 'CastleScene.TCastleScene.html'); ?>, we need to make it less tiresome, so that I can write just <?php api_link('TCastleScene'); ?> and it will find in what unit it is.

    Then it can be a WordPress shortcode too.

  3. One markup, comfortable. Also replace GitHub wiki with it.

    My choice: AsciiDoctor, this proved right for modern Pascal introduction and later for
    PasDoc website. The fact that Khronos decided to use it for glTF specification is an outside confirmation that it’s good.

    Markdown can be converted to it using + some manual tweaking for one-time conversion.

I hope you find these thoughts useful 🙂 These plans have been followed by actions — see section Documentation upgrades done lately above.

Please support the engine development on our Patreon. It funds development of the engine, including the efforts to document it perfectly.

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Double-clicking on Pascal files in CGE editor, to open them in Lazarus, reliably opens them in proper project

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CGE Editor Preferences - new Lazarus

Thanks to the related Lazarus issue being fixed by Juha Manninen, our editor can now open Pascal files in the proper Lazarus project reliably if you use Lazarus >= 2.2.

We also query Lazarus version, to activate new behavior only for new Lazarus. You should see your Lazarus version in the editor preferences window.

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New release of glplotter: use latest CGE, draw using Draw2DPrimitive, allow to switch light/dark mode

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glplotter screenshot

I have just released a new version of glplotter, a small utility implemented using Castle Game Engine to draw graphs. Graphs can be defined using an intuitive mathematical expression syntax (thanks to Castle Script). Multiple graphs are visible at the same time, and you can inspect the function graphs by moving, zooming, toggling various grids and scales.

Everything is documented on glplotter webpage. The source code is on the project’s GitHub page. The released binaries are on GitHub releases.

Please support the engine development on our Patreon. It funds development of the engine, along with all the extra tools.

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Experimental feature: freely rearrange and dock/undock editor windows

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Castle Game Engine editor with docking
Castle Game Engine editor with docking
Castle Game Engine editor with docking
Castle Game Engine editor with docking

With many thanks to Trung Le (Kagamma), we have a new experimental way to manage editor windows. You can freely rearrange them within the main form, you can rearrange them in tabs, you can also detach them from the main form. This is great to spread the editor windows across multiple monitors too, to e.g. have a large “Design” (game preview) on one monitor, and the rest (object inspector, hierarchy etc.) on another.


  1. This feature is experimental for now, and by default hidden. To enable it, create a file called enable-docking.txt in the editor user preferences directory: $HOME/.config/castle-editor/enable-docking.txt on Unix, c:/Users/USERNAME/AppData/Local/castle-editor/enable-docking.txt on Windows. If you ever used the editor, you will find existing castle-editor.conf in the same directory already.

  2. Enable it by checking “Window -> Docking” menu item.

  3. Close and reopen the project (you can also just close and reopen the entire editor).

  4. Have fun! Drag the headers to rearrange windows. Drop them in new areas to anchor there. Drop them over existing areas, to add to tabs. Drag them outside of the main window, to detach them.

  5. The layout is automatically saved (in layout.dock-layout in your preferences directory).

  6. If you ever lose a particular window, you can invoke it by various “Window -> Xxx” commands, like “Window -> Properties”.

  7. If you want to reset the layout, use “Window -> Reset Default Docking Layout”

The feature is very powerful.

We are waiting for champions to solve some of the issues (critical ones: 349, 348, 347, 345) and then of course the additional step to create enable-docking.txt will disappear. The additional step to enable them using the menu “Window -> Docking” may disappear too. All it takes is making it look and work perfectly, out-of-the-box, so that we can enable it for everyone without fear that new users could easily see some bug, or get easily into a weird layout without knowing how to “get back”.

Please support the engine development on our Patreon. It funds development of the engine, with many new features and fixes!

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TCastleWindow.SceneManager: removal of a deprecated property soon

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Castle Game Engine example - multiple_viewports

As we extend the engine, we sometimes have to deprecate some old features, that were not very useful, and sometimes prevented the engine API from being flexible and easy to understand.

One of these things was TCastleSceneManager class (renamed to TCastleViewport since 2 years), with its single “central” instance in TCastleWindow.SceneManager or TCastleControl.SceneManager. In a hindsight, I know it was a mistake to add such “central” reference to “one main scene manager”. It was much better to focus on adding multiple UI controls to your window (which we did), and realizing that various scenarios are possible:

  • Some games don’t need TCastleSceneManager / TCastleViewport at all.

    E.g. applications with simple UI, where everything is just a simple 2D UI control.

  • Some games need one instance of TCastleSceneManager / TCastleViewport (e.g. typical 3D FPS games). But it still may not exist always, so it better exists only within particular TUIState.

  • Some games need more instances of TCastleSceneManager / TCastleViewport. Maybe on one TUIState (e.g. split-screen local multiplayer games), maybe spread in many TUIState instances (e.g. 3D game view, 3D map view etc.).

This observation led to the API you now have and use. But… the TCastleWindow.SceneManager and TCastleControl.SceneManager are still defined, for backward compatibility. And we advise everyone to use classes with Base suffix, TCastleWindowBase and TCastleControlBase, to avoid having this “automatic central scene manager” present. This is causing complicated engine code (for backward compatibility), complicated docs (why the Base suffix?), and unnecessary dependencies in CastleWindow unit (that right now has to depend on almost all CGE code, as TCastleSceneManager / TCastleViewport depends on TCastleScene that depends on almost everything else).

We had TCastleWindow.SceneManager and TCastleControl.SceneManager deprecated for 2 years now, since December 2019. Time to actually remove them 🙂 So, a plea: if you use TCastleWindow or TCastleControl, if you see messages that they are deprecated but you keep using them anyway… stop 🙂

The best way to upgrade is to switch to using TUIState, designed by CGE editor, and put TCastleViewport in your games this way. But as a last resort, you can even create local copy of existing TCastleWindow code from castlewindow.pas, it isn’t long.

At the end of January 2022 (in 1 month) we will actually remove TCastleWindow.SceneManager and TCastleControl.SceneManager. The TCastleWindow and TCastleControl will become equivalent to their ...Base counterparts, and we will encourage to use again the simpler names (as there will be no point in using ...Base suffix). It is easy to try it right now: go to src/common_includes/, find

{$ifdef FPC}

and just remove it. Or add something, e.g. dot, to make the {$define CASTLE_DEPRECATED_WINDOW_CLASSES} inactive, like this:

{$ifdef FPC}

This will change the TCastleWindow and TCastleControl to be equivalent to their ...Base counterparts, without any deprecated SceneManager property.

Please support the engine development on our Patreon. It funds development of the engine, it means we have resources to design the engine the right way!

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Alpha Bleeding explained

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Alpha bleeding investigation

Blending is a common technique to achieve partial-transparency of various things (UI, 2D and 3D models). In many cases it means that your texture has an additional channel, alpha channel, that determines how much each pixel is opaque.

But there is a trap — colors from fully transparent pixels (that you, by default, don’t see in usual 2D image viewers and editors) can still affect the final rendering output, because when rendering we do filtering that can average RGB colors from neighboring pixels. The way to fix these problems is alpha bleeding, which means that your transparent pixels also need some sensible RGB values.

I have written now a proper manual page about the “alpha bleeding”, what problem does it solve and how to actually use it.

Our castle-view-image, that is already bundled with CGE binary release, contains a ready menu item to do it.

Note that the issue is not specific to Castle Game Engine. It’s an effect of how the GPU is using alpha and averaging RGBA pixels, and it really affects all game engines that exist. But some engines hide it better than us right now 🙂 E.g. Unity does alpha bleeding for you automatically, during texture import, if you select Alpha is Transparency. In CGE, we do not (yet) have so trivial UI to do this.

Please support the engine development on our Patreon. It funds development of the engine, it means we have resources to add engine features that make it easier to use and we have time to document them properly!

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Better ASTC texture compression tooling and formats

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ASTC compression variants, from

Thanks to Eugene Loza we have an improved pipeline for compressing textures using ASTC (useful on modern Android and iOS versions). See Auto-generated compressed and scaled textures about GPU texture compression in general.


  • We can use astcenc tool and the .astc file format it generates for ASTC textures.

    See PR #321 for details.

  • We even package the astcenc tool within the Castle Game Engine. We can, as it is open-source. It’s available in our binary releases as well as GitHub Repo (tools/contrib/). So you don’t have to download/install anything to be able to compress textures using ASTC.

    See PR #351 for details.

  • Where to go from here? What more texture tools to “just bundle with CGE”? I started the thread on our forum. I think bundling AMD Compressonator with CGE is sensible.

Please support the engine development on our Patreon. It funds development of the engine, it means we have resources to do the engine in the right way — that works efficiently and is easy to use.

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