Incoming: new animated 3D enemy for our fps_game example

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New robot enemy for fps_game example
New robot enemy for fps_game example
New robot enemy for fps_game example

As part of Castle Game Engine 7.0, we want to create a new behavior that will be a highly-customizable component that can perform typical enemy intelligence (moving, attacking) in 3D games.

More details in about our plans here.

Today, presenting work-in-progress by Alya Vaneskehyan (a 3D graphic artist from Cat-astrophe Games studio) on a new enemy, a cyber-punkish styled robot. The robot features both short-range (melee) and long-range (shooting) attack possibilities, since we want to demo them both 🙂

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Blending and billboards – new options, better defaults to make various cases work out-of-the-box

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billboards_blending_in_3d example
billboards_blending_in_3d example in editor

We’ve done a number of improvements to blending and billboards, to support more use-cases, and to make some cases “just work out-of-the-box”.

Before we start, just download latest version of Castle Game Engine and open a new example examples/viewport_and_scenes/billboards_blending_in_3d. It will illustrate most features mentioned in this post clearly 🙂

New features:

  1. Existing 3D sorting algorithms (sort3D, sort3DOrigin, sort3DGround) now order by projecting shape point on the camera direction (instead of measuring the distance from shape point to camera position).

  2. By default TCastleBillboard adjusts to camera direction, not vector from camera to billboard origin. (One can get old behavior by setting TCastleBillboard.MatchCameraDirection = false.)

    The end result of these 2 points is that if you use TCastleScene with TCastleBillboard, it will have perfect sorting even for extremely thin layers, like when loaded from Spine. Out of the box, i.e. default blending sorting and default billboard behavior are good.

    This works as long as TCastleBillboard.AxisOfRotation is zero or equal to camera up. The sorting is 100% reliably correct in this case.

  3. Moreover, if TCastleBillboard.AxisOfRotation is +Y (default), then all you have to do is just to flip TCastleViewport.BlendingSort to sort3DVerticalBillboards. sort3DVerticalBillboards is a new option that sorts perfectly for billboards rotated around Y.

    Blending in manual was extended to mention the new option.

  4. The TCastleBillboard transformation algorithm was also improved. It is now faster, and it is applied without any delay (you will never observe artifacts caused by potential-1-frame-delay between changing camera and transforming billboards to account for it).

    The TCastleBillboard transformation also accounts now for billboards instantiated many times. Whether you use TCastleTransformReference or Multiple viewports to display one world, all instances of the billboard will be now correctly oriented toward the camera.

  5. In both new blending methods and billboard algorithms, I’m proud that I actually achieved a bit of code simplifications and optimizations. It’s nice when the better result is also just internally simpler, and the calculations involved are also simpler. E.g. sorting methods no longer transform 8 points of a box (they only transform 1). E.g. billboards get camera vectors in world space without any extra calculation (and these camera vectors correspond to current viewport).

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Improvements to property editors, in particular display and input angles in degrees in the editor

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Mouse model rotated

We’ve done a number of “quality of life” improvements to properties manipulation in the Castle Game Engine editor.

  1. We simplified the display of floats and vectors. No need for excessive trailing zeroes. Instead of 0.00 or 1.00 2.00 3.00 we now display 0 0 0 or 1 2 3 which is much easier to “parse” by a human eye.

  2. Editing vectors and components of vectors automatically updates everything immediately. E.g. if you edit TCastleTransform.Translation.X to 10, the TCastleTransform.Translation will update immediately to 10 0 0. And if you edit the vector TCastleTransform.Translation to 42 0 0, the TCastleTransform.Translation.X will update immediately to 42.

  3. The TCastleTransform.Direction and TCastleTransform.Up are now exposed in the “Basic” tab. Thanks to above improvements, you can now clearly see they are synchronized with TCastleTransform.Rotation — changing one changes the other.

  4. TCastleImageTransform.Size is now more comfortable to edit: simply type single float to set both X and Y to the same value. E.g. type 10 to set Size to 10 10 (in Pascal this would mean Vector2(10, 10)). This is consistent with TCastlePlane.Size, TCastleTransform.Scale and similar properties: typing a single float sets all vector components to be equal.

  5. The display and input of angles and rotations now displays / accepts degrees.

    Note that the Pascal API still accepts angles in radians. This is standard (in X3D, glTF, Math routines etc.). I experimented and looked at how others (Blender and Godot) present angles to make the end result useful and not confusing. To this end:

    • Angles are now displayed as degrees in CGE editor.

      And the fact that they are in degrees is explicitly shown by wrapping them with deg(xxx) text. So the angle looks like deg(45).

      We are deliberately explicit that the angles are in degrees, to avoid confusion.

      This affects both angles displayed as angle of axis+angle rotation (like TCastleTransform.Rotation saying 0 1 0 deg(45)) or as single float number (e.g. if you expand the TCastleTransform.Rotation to reveal the Angle (W) component).

    • When you input an angle value, you can keep the "deg(...)" wrapping, or you can input just the number. In the latter case, we will automatically add "deg(...)" around, so we interpret input as being in degrees anyway.

      This is similar to what both Blender and Godot are doing too, likely for similar reasons (have API in radians, but for display and input in editor — degrees are easier to use).

      This affects both single-value fields and 4D vectors. So for single-value field (like TCastleTransform.Rotation.W) typing "45" is understood as "deg(45)". For editing rotation as 4D vector (axis + angle) typing "0 1 0 45" is understood as "0 1 0 deg(45)". You will see the "deg(...)" added immediately, so it is hopefully clear what happens.

    • To be consistent, you can also use Deg in Pascal. It’s just an alias for DegToRad.

      The deg(....) case doesn’t matter. Deg or deg or DEG are the same. To interpret expressions in editor, the deg is a function in Castle Script.

    • This is also applied to 2D image rotations in TCastleImageControl.Rotation and TCastleImagePersistent.Rotation. Degrees everywhere!

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International Pascal Congress – my presentation slides, various (positive) thoughts about Pascal (both FPC and Delphi) bright future, and why you should use Pascal

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Salamanca photo from Michalis - Convent of San Esteban

The International Pascal Congress has finished and I’m packing home.

This was intensive and very positive experience.

My stuff:

  • I had a workshop about Castle Game Engine (4 days, 1 hour per day) and a talk about graphics and game engines in Pascal. I got a lot of positive feedback about both the talk and the workshop and the engine 🙂 I’m coming back confident we have a great thing on our hands. (And we have to finally release engine version 7.0 and spread the word about it as wide as possible!)

  • The slides from my presentation on Castle Game Engine at IPC 2023 are linked from here. The talk wasn’t easy to prepare (I wanted to cover a lot of things) but it seems it went really good. I went from a general description of modern GPUs and their APIs, through overview of various Pascal libraries and game engines for graphics, and ended with overview of things I consider important when making/choosing game engine.

  • The above link Castle Game Engine at IPC 2023 also leads to notes from my CGE workshop and a bit silly (created during the workshop, with everyone watching) demo application.

In a broader context, about Pascal, and Delphi and FPC, this was invigorating as well. I met really great people, using both FPC and Delphi (really a mixed bunch, some people preferred Delphi some FPC/Lazarus, many were using both, like me).

  • Including Marco Cantu, Delphi project manager. A heard a few presentations of language features (some specific to Delphi), and overall I am impressed by the direction Delphi is taking. Modern language (e.g. I was surprised by the power of inline variables and certain type inference involved, and I have to say I’m a fan now). Tools to build modern applications (RAD server). Looking at the landscape of other languages and integrating (FMX for Python devs).

  • We also had a presentation about the upcoming Fresnel from Lazarus, and what it really means (CSS, Skia in FPC too), by Mattias Gaertner and Detlef Overbeek. This nicely connected with other talks about how important is the web target for everyone now — it was a prominent topic, along with pas2js, in the Bruno Fierens from TMS Software presentation. This is an exciting time — finally we think about a new approach to design visual applications, not only extending a dated VCL design. (Don’t get me wrong, LCL is nice, we’ve come a long way since VCL. But LCL inheritance from VCL is visible and causing issues — like the “absolute” layout by default, integer coordinates etc. Unlike web applications using CSS that can support both desktop and mobile with drastically different aspect ratios and physical sizes.)

Overall, I come back even more confident about some CGE decisions I was thinking about:

  • Web target is super important. I already wrote about our plans for web target here.

  • I absolutely want perfect support for both FPC and Delphi. I want to support both, and I want to support both equally well. They both go in good directions now. Some changes will be compatible, some incompatible between Delphi and FPC, but I don’t mind — let’s show the world that Pascal is a modern language, let users choose compiler they like, and as long as the core language stays compatible — I don’t mind a little incompatible libraries around. We’re in for interesting times.

    Maybe it also means switching to using CGE UI in CGE editor sooner than I originally planned. Because this opens the door to compile CGE editor with both FPC and Delphi, and to deploy CGE editor as a web application too.

  • I was thinking about exposing CGE to Python developers at some point in the future. I was happy to learn this matches some Embarcadero ideas too. See DelphiFMX4Python: Python GUI module powered by Delphi’s FireMonkey framework. Supporting Windows, MacOS, Linux, and Android GUI development. And see python4delphi: Free components that wrap up Python into Delphi and Lazarus (FPC). And during talks, Marco (I believe correctly) pointed out that Python is enticingly close to Pascal in terms of thinking about “clean and readable programming language syntax”. Except they miss strong typing! My idea about attracting Python developers to CGE is therefore consistent.

    It is also nice to see Embarcadero active on GitHub.

    I also got some nice hint about using Delphi from Linux 🙂 I want to try it out and post about it later 🙂

Overall, I have a ton of notes, and a ton of new enthusiasm for both our engine, and Pascal in general.

In related notes, I just added a page “why Pascal” to our documentation — this is understandably a question we often get, and I want that page to be a good answer.

Have fun everyone! Back to packing now 🙂

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Big renderer improvements: Correct and automatic blending sorting, more powerful batching (now cross-scene), easier and more reliable occlusion culling and occlusion sorting

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Blending in 2D from "The Unholy Society"
Blending in 2D from "The Unholy Society"
Blending in 2D from "The Unholy Society"
Blending in 2D from "Escape from the Universe"
Blending in 2D from "Escape from the Universe"
Blending in 2D from "Escape from the Universe"
FPS game example - solid wireframe
FPS game example
Customized color channels
isometric_game with batching
Solid wireframe

It’s a pleasure to finally close a big TODO from our roadmap. This refactor took 122 commits, and it reworks a core rendering code in the engine. This was hard to do but also was a lot of fun — I used this opportunity to do a lot of code simplifications. These simplifications also translate to some performance gains.

New features / improvements

Blending sorting is now much better:

  • It can be controlled using simple TCastleViewport.BlendingSort.

  • The default is sortAuto, which auto-detects and uses best blending sorting for 2D or 3D (depending on camera parameters). For many applications, you should no longer even need to touch this, blending should “just work”. This was tested also with our bigger games The Unholy Society and Escape from the Universe.

  • The new algorithm sorts all shapes, from all scenes. So it can account for transparent objects transformed in any way (using any hierarchy of TCastleTransform) and even for cases when multiple scenes’ shapes may result in mixed order. E.g. some transparent objects on the big (level) TCastleScene may be in front, and some behind, transparent objects of some creature TCastleTransform.

  • To address non-trivial cases we have new TCastleViewport.OnCustomShapeSort event. You can define sorting function, using any criteria you want. See TShapeSortEvent for details and example event implementation.

Batching is now more powerful and easier to use:

  • Batching can be activated by TCastleViewport.DynamicBatching, and thus configurable from CGE editor too.

    Remember you can invoke in CGE editor “Edit -> Show Statistics” (F8) to see the rendering statistics. They will reflect batching — the number of rendered shapes will drop.

  • Batching now works cross-scenes. That is, shapes from one scene can be merged with shapes from another, unrelated scene, if their de-facto rendering settings (material, texture) match.

    Also more cases are now allowed for batching. In particular, batching now works for shapes (even from different scenes) with the same image loaded, and for TCastleImageTransform with the same image loaded — these cases, while seem trivial, are important when you design 2D maps.

    This makes batching much more universal, it works in more situations.

    In particular, designing your world using a big number of TCastleImageTransform instances is now reasonable — 100×100 TCastleImageTransform instances will not cause 100*100 draw calls, they will be batched into as few draw calls as possible (maybe even one, if you just use one image for all tiles). Example: examples/isometric_game.

  • The global variable DynamicBatching is deprecated. Prefer to use TCastleViewport.DynamicBatching.

Occlusion culling is now easier and more powerful:


  • New option TCastleRenderOptions.InternalColorChannels exists to limit which RGBA channels are written by rendering given model. Allows for some cool graphic tricks.

    Also it was necessary to make tricks that require rendering something only to the depth buffer, without touching the color buffer. See the fixed_camera_game example.

    For now this property is “internal” — I’m unsure how much it will be actually useful, and we want to reserve the right to remove it if it will become too unconvenient to maintain. Admittedly it may work a little weird — it doesn’t write some RGBA channels, but it still writes the depth values, so it’s a little hard to control what is visible behind it. If you find it useful anyway, please let me know about it 🙂

  • OpenGL resources that are associated with X3D nodes are now stored in much more straightforward way, avoiding lookups using any dictionaries, and avoiding reinitialization when you move scene from one viewport to another. This makes accessing texture resources and screen effects’ shaders a simple and instant operation, instead of previous inefficient search.

Backward compatibility

This is a compatibility-breaking change, no way around it. The old sorting method, that was only sorting inside a scene, was inherently incorrect. Trying to maintain it for backward compatibility would make code really complicated, and API too. So you just have to adjust — set the TCastleViewport.BlendingSort if needed.

As always, if you have questions about upgrading, ask us!

What we did to address backward compatibility:

  • From editor: We make a warning if your scenes use non-standard blending sort on import.

    We make a warning also if you used old Viewport.Items.BlendingSort.

    Judge whether the new version works, adjust TCastleViewport.BlendingSort if needed, and save the design to remove the warning.

  • From code: RenderOptions.BlendingSort is just removed. Deliberately, there’s no way to sort only within scene now. We always sort within viewport.

    Same for Viewport.Items.BlendingSort. Same for TCastleScene.Setup2D.

    The compilation should break, forcing you to upgrade to new the new TCastleViewport.BlendingSort. It takes different arguments (sortXxx enums) and works much better. As explained above, you likely don’t need to set it at all. In my experiments, in almost all cases I just removed the calls to removed methods / properties and things are now automatically good.

  • Default BlendingSort = sortAuto automatically adjusts to your camera.

    Setting typical 2D camera, by TCastleViewport.Setup2D or any other method, will activate 2D blending sorting.

    I’ve done a few iterations of this — I considered Setup2D not doing anything, or having obligatory AdjustBlendingSort (without default=true) or having a set like [seBlendingSort2D] or making Setup2D just set BlendingSort:=sort2D. Ultimately in all usages of TCastleViewport.Setup2D, in CGE and our games it was obvious that using new BlendingSort:=sort2D is a good idea.

    Eventually BlendingSort:=sortAuto won everything. It fills all use-cases nicely and easily. It is also naturally the default TCastleViewport.BlendingSort property value.

Special considerations for custom rendering

By “custom rendering” I mean here things that override TCastleTransform.LocalRender to issue direct OpenGL(ES) commands. For example Kagamma’s (Trung Le) projects:

If you perform custom rendering, without using TCastleScene nodes, note that things are a bit different now. TCastleScene.LocalRender only schedules shapes to be rendered later. So your custom rendering will always happen before the CGE TCastleScene rendering, so objects with custom rendering are assumes to be behind for blending. This shouldn’t really matter for rendering non-blending, but it may matter for rendering with blending.

I have a plan to play with it more, to make custom renderers more flexible. In the future, everything, including custom rendering, should make one “collect stuff for rendering” phase, and then all collected things should be executed. Right now, we do more “collect rendering” phases (once for opaque, once for blending) to also avoid breaking too many things for custom rendering algorithms. But it will change — so an optimization on top of existing work, and improvement for custom renderers, is coming.

Support our work

This was hard, and fun, work 🙂 Like it? Please support us on Patreon!

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Planned: Steam integration and engine available as a download on Steam

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Steam page preview

One of bigger things we plan to have ready (before 7.0 release) is Steam integration. This actually means 2 things:

  1. Easy Steam integration (using “Steamworks SDK”) in your projects. This means accessing “Steamworks SDK” directly (without any “wrapper” library necessary) and being able to easily report to Steam things like achievements.

    Once initial integration will be finished, exposing more Steamworks features should be a breeze.

    Thanks to Eugene Loza, this is already in review: Steam PR.

  2. We also want to actually publish “Castle Game Engine” as a tool on Steam. This way you will be able to find, install, upgrade CGE using Steam, of course on all supported desktop platforms: Linux, Windows, macOS.

    As the engine will be a Steam application itself, we’ll have fun achievements
    too — e.g. “compile your first CGE game”, or “see 100 compilation errors” 🙂

    This is in progress, we have already bought the Steam page and we started to fill it with content. As soon as it’s somewhat ready, we’ll want to open it — to allow you to wishlist it, then we’ll release “early access” version on Steam.

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Engine roadmap – see what’s coming in the future!

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Our own Oculus Quest 2!
fps_game demo

Let’s do a few posts about features that are planned in Castle Game Engine and should get you excited 🙂

The central document describing our plans is our roadmap.

Some highlights:

The roadmap document is where we’re consolidating a lot of plans. We deliberately do not want this page to be a never-ending long “wishlist” of things — instead, I want to keep tasks there “tangible”. So things there are:

  • Reasonably certain — yes, they will happen.

  • They are confirmed to be needed by users. We have talked about many of these features on forum, Discord or live at events where I presented CGE.

  • We have a confidence that they fit in the scope of CGE, which means we can envision a rough API and implementation for them, that fits nicely with the rest of CGE.

I (Michalis) have given a lot of thought into these plans. Remembering that we’re always constrained by time. It’s easy to come up with 100 new engine features, but the really difficult decision is what should be the first 2, or 5, or 10 — and for this we really look at a cross of “feature will be useful to users + interface (API) seems to fit CGE + implementation seems within reach”.

Note: Just as with all other news, but maybe with these “planned” posts especially, please consider yourself invited to post comments about what we write (on forum, Discord). Do you think a feature X is useful to your case? Or maybe on the contrary, X is not useful and you think it would drag away our resources from some other much higher-priority topic Y? Go ahead and tell us.

And also, remember that we count on community support on Patreon to actually make it happen. I have various ideas how to sponsor the engine, releasing and promoting Castle Game Engine 7.0 factors into it too, talking to companies comes too, but really everything is easier if we also get solid support on Patreon from you — the community of CGE users. So if you like what we do, please consider supporting us on Patreon.

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Import models from Sketchfab using Castle Game Engine editor

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Cat with jetpack from Sketchfab -
Searching for a cat on Sketchfab
Searching for trees on Sketchfab
Trees from Sketchfab  -
Searching for trees on Sketchfab
Searching for a cat on Sketchfab
Cat, dog, car from Sketchfab

You can now easily search and import models from Sketchfab inside Castle Game Engine editor! This feature was fun to make and I’m sure it will be fun to use too 🙂

How to use

  1. Open any project.

  2. Use the menu item “Data -> Import from Sketchfab…”.

  3. Search for any query, like cat, tree… Your imagination is your only limit, Sketchfab has an incredible number of models. There’s a checkbox to limit the results to contain “Only Animated” models.

  4. Pick the model you want to download. You can view the models using a list (with license, description, face count) or using a grid view (with thumbnail). You can also open the corresponding model in the Sketchfab website viewer.

  5. Press “Download” to download the glTF version of the model from Sketchfab.

    Make sure to fill the “API token” field first — find your token on the Sketchfab “Password & API” page. You need a (completely free) Sketchfab account for this.

    The downloaded model is placed inside the data subdirectory of your project, in a file like data/sketchfab/<name>-<id>/scene.gltf. There are accompanying files with textures, license, we also leave the downloaded zip.

  6. If you have some design open, with some viewport selected, then you can even “Download and Add To Viewport”. This is just a shortcut to download and drag-and-drop the glTF model into the viewport, instantiating TCastleScene pointing to the proper glTF model.


Along with this, I have also improved the automatic Name assigned to dragged-and-dropped components. It now reflects the model URL. E.g. drag-and-dropping the knight.gltf will now create SceneKnight1. There is a smart rule to also generate useful names for models from Sketchfab-imported directories.


The models’ licenses are clearly specified (in the search dialog and in downloaded license.txt files). They use various versions of the Creative Commons licenses or Public Domain.

Following Sketchfab docs: Sketchfab provides a library of over 1 million free models, available under Creative Commons licenses. Most models allow commercial use. Read the model licensing for more details.

Note: Be wary of using Non-Commercial or Non-Derivatives variants of the Creative Commons licenses. They are incompatible with general open-source definition, which has been stated explicitly e.g. by Debian (DFSG) and FSF. See Creative Commons at Wikipedia for more information. So works including these models cannot be distributed as freely as most open-source software. Other CC variants are cool.


  1. Sketchfab export to glTF is not perfect.

    1. Some models have too dark materials. E.g. this dungeon has very dark unlit materials in glTF. It looks dark when viewed in Castle Game Engine and other glTF viewers.

      TODO: New material components will allow you to easily override faulty materials.

    2. Sometimes the exported glTF says to use blending when it actually should not. For example this chunky knight has rendering issues, in Castle Game Engine and other glTF viewers, due to using blending when it should not.

      This likely follows Sketchfab docs saying that they don’t export Refraction, Dithered, and Additive transparency (will be converted to Blending).

      The solution is just to disable blending in CGE for these models, setting MyScene.RenderOptions.Blending to false.

  2. A minority of Sketchfab models use a “specular glossiness” PBR workflow through a deprecated (by Khronos) KHR_materials_pbrSpecularGlossiness. We support it in CGE only partially — some models may look dark or too contrasting, like this knight.

    As KHR_materials_pbrSpecularGlossiness is deprecated, superseded by KHR_materials_specular, we are reluctant to put effort to support this way of rendering perfectly in CGE.

    Possibly Sketchfab can switch to the new approach in the future. In the meantime you can ask Sketchfab authors to use metallic-roughness PBR workflow.

  3. Some models expose just one big animation like Take 001, which is an artifact how some 3D software exports them.

    You can follow examples/animations/split_long_animation to split such long animation into multiple “sub animations” in CGE. I have actually just upgraded this demo, to show a Halloween Pumpkin Lantern Knight model from Sketchfab created by outcast945.

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Images in UI: Regions (subset of image) and visual editing of both region and 9-slices

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Image regions
Image regions
Image 9-slices borders

With big thanks to Freedomax PR, our images in user interface are now much more powerful:

  1. Every image has a region which defines a subset of the image to render. This allows to use a big atlas image to define a whole user interface like in this example UI on OpenGameArt and for each component just choose a suitable region of this atlas.

    “Every image” here means every TCastleImagePersistent component, as the new property is TCastleImagePersistent.Region.

    This is used for images in TCastleImageControl, TCastleButton (for custom button backgrounds), TCastleScrollView (for scrollbar frame and slider). Going forward, 100% of UI should be customizable using TCastleImagePersistent subcomponents.

  2. Moreover, our CGE editor gets a nice visual way to edit both regions (TCastleImagePersistent.Region) and borders for 9-slices algorithm (TCastleImagePersistent.ProtectedSides). Just click on the “…” button in the Object Inspector at them to fire a comfortable form to define a region / borders. Within the form, you can pan and zoom the image, to adjust them perfectly.

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Using Sketchfab API to search and download glTF (to be integrated in Castle Game Engine)

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Knight glTF model from by thanhtp
Cthulhu model from by TooManyDemons
Cthulhu model from by TooManyDemons
Apple model from by tzeshi

This was super-fun and super-quick to develop (thanks to GitHub Copilot) 🙂

I present a sample application that searches Sketchfab and downloads glTF model matching given query string. For extra effect, it even opens the model with view3dscene if it is present on $PATH.

By default it looks for cthutlhu and happily downloads the first result, extracting the ZIP and running view3dscene. From nothing -> Cthulhu 3D model!

Run with some command-line parameter to change the search string, to anything.

The code contains a simple class that downloads from Sketchfab. If you want, you can easily tweak it to download a particular model instead of the first search result. Read the “Usage” description for details.

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