Huge update to cameras, navigation, viewports in 2D and 3D

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3D game template
2D game template
Headlight as camera child
3D viewport
2D viewport
Camera as child of animated bone
Inspector showing non-default props with different color

We’re proud to present a big upgrade to how cameras, navigation, and consequently all viewports work in Castle Game Engine. This is a result of over 3 months of work and we encourage everyone now to upgrade to the latest Castle Game Engine and try it out!

A video describing it all is also coming in the following weeks.

The documentation has been updated to reflect all the new features, in particular 3D viewport tutorial has been reworked, also 2D viewport (soon-to-be) tutorial, camera docs.

New features: Table of contents (this is a really long news post):

  1. Upgrades to design-time (in editor) camera and navigation
  2. Camera (TCastleCamera) is now a TCastleTransform descendant
  3. Navigation at run-time (like TCastleExamineNavigation, TCastleWalkNavigation) is easier to use
  4. Viewport editing improvements
  5. And more improvements that just happened along the way:)
  6. Upgrading

If you like this work, please support us on Patreon!

Upgrades to design-time (in editor) camera and navigation

  1. You can see camera “gizmos” in the editor, visualizing field of view (in both perspective and orthographic modes).

  2. Switch navigation method using the new Viewport menu between Fly, Examine and 2D. Key shortcut Ctrl+2 is useful to toggle between most often used Fly and 2D.

  3. Hold right mouse button to use mouse look (in Fly) or move (in 2D) or rotate (in Examine). Right mouse button in general means “activate design-time navigation”.

  4. In Fly mode: use also mouse wheel to change speed, AWSD / QE to move. (TODO: Soon mouse wheel will also do zoom in/out when right mouse button is not pressed. It will change speed only when right mouse button is pressed.)

  5. We have more goodies and key shortcuts for navigation in the Viewport menu. Key shortcuts are deliberately inspired with Blender, Godot and Unity functionality:

    • View all (Home)

    • Focus selected transform (F)

    • 6 major views (top, bottom, left, right, front, back) available by keys 1, 3, 7, Ctrl+1, Ctrl+3, Ctrl+7. You can use numpad or regular alphanumeric keys to access them.

    • Toggle perspective/orthographic using 5. (TODO: We want to synchronize the views better.)

    • Synchronize current view to the selected camera using 0.

    • Synchronize the selected camera to view using Ctrl+0.

  6. This all makes sense in both 3D and 2D. For 3D, you will usually use Fly navigation with perspective camera. For 2D, you will usually use 2D navigation with orthographic camera and Front view (shortcut 1).

  7. We show a preview of view from the selected camera in editor. You can pin it to keep observing from the camera, regardless of the currently selected item.

  8. Hold Shift when changing the UI or transform (to move, resize, rotate, scale) to avoid changing the selection. Previously this was bound to right mouse button, but now we want to leave right mouse button to only activate design-time navigation.

  9. Design-time camera and navigation settings are saved to the design file.

  10. The design-time camera and navigation are now independent from run-time (in your games) camera and navigation, which allowed us to make all these improvements.

  11. TODO: We have a few improvements still planned around this. In particular, we want to combine current UI selection/move with transform select/move/rotate/scale. It is not intuitive that right now you have to use different modes for UI and transforms.

Camera (TCastleCamera) is now a TCastleTransform descendant.

This has a lot of implications making cameras more powerful:

  1. Camera can have children, like any other TCastleTransform. For example:

  2. Camera can be a child of some other transformation. For example:

    • You can attach camera to a car or some character that is moving.

    • You can attach camera to a bone, even animated bone, exposed using ExposeTransforms. Camera can be animated this way.

  3. You can have multiple cameras in your viewport.

  4. Set TCastleViewport.Camera to choose the current camera used for rendering. It can even be nil, in which case no rendering is done. Camera Exists (as well as Exists of camera parents) also matter, non-existing cameras cannot render.

  5. This is backward compatible. When reading old designs, we add the camera to Viewport.Items automatically.

Navigation at run-time (like TCastleExamineNavigation, TCastleWalkNavigation) is easier to use.

  1. Just add navigation instance to a viewport, like any other UI control.

  2. Navigation also reacts naturally to Exists.

Viewport editing improvements

  1. Undo (Ctrl+Z) now preserves design-time camera and navigation.

  2. More useful default viewport 2D/3D setups.

  3. Improved new project “2D game” template: nice design-time camera, show spritesheets.

  4. Improved new project “3D FPS game” template: nice design-time camera, show skybox, show animations in editor, show lights in editor, show headlight as camera child.

  5. Better and more natural key shortcuts – Ctrl+Z, Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V, Delete.

  6. Added Cut Component (Ctrl + X)

  7. Added Save Selected… (save selected component to a design file)

  8. Better handling of behaviors (TCastleBehavior descendants) in editor: selecting behavior shows bbox of parent transformation, F on behavior focuses parent transformation too.

And more improvements that just happened along the way:)

  1. In 2D ProjectionNear, ProjectionFar can be, and usually should be, just 0 to autocalculate. This is just like it already was in 3D. I expect that in majority of applications you can just leave both ProjectionNear and ProjectionFar at default zero.

  2. Inspector (F8) shows non-default values with different colors.

  3. We now have TCastleControl.AutoFocus. See focus (receiving key input) on TCastleControl.

  4. Optimization (and fix for some edge-cases) in how vectors are deserialized (set all components at once, not one by one)

  5. Better TCastleExamineNavigation customization with Input_Rotate, Input_Move, Input_Zoom.


We put a lot of effort to make this change as backward-compatible as it reasonably can, including reading old designs. But this is a big change in how cameras work, both in editor and at run-time and under the hood. You should note that some things work differently:

  1. Because camera is now part of Viewport.Items:

    • Viewport.Items.Clear now removes also camera. Use Viewport.Items.ClearExceptCameras to leave TCastleCamera existing.

    • Viewport.Items transformation now affects the camera. Get/set camera using GetWorldView / SetWorldView to apply camera position/direction/up in world-coordinates, regardless of parent (including Viewport.Items) transformation.

  2. Some deprecated things around navigation have been removed. In particular Viewport.NavigationType no longer exists. Instead of Viewport.NavigationType := ntExamine now do Viewport.InsertFront(TCastleExamineNavigation.Create(SomeOwner));.

  3. More about backward compatibility in this post.

  4. If you have any questions, just ask on Discord or forum. We will help to upgrade 🙂

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Not Quake – an example of real-time multi-player shooter (a bit like Quake :) ) using Castle Game Engine and RNL

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Not Quake - Castle Game Engine and RNL demo
Not Quake - Castle Game Engine and RNL demo
Not Quake - Castle Game Engine and RNL demo
Not Quake - Castle Game Engine and RNL demo
Not Quake - Castle Game Engine and RNL demo

We recently held a gamejam at Cat-astrophe Games and I decided to tackle something fun: can I make a real-time multi-player shooter (like Quake), using Castle Game Engine and RNL? In 1 day, during a gamejam? In turns out that yes! 🙂

I’m proud to present Not Quake, a new demo of Castle Game Engine and RNL. You can download the client (just run it and play!) from Not Quake on Or you can download both client, server, as well as the source code from Not Quake on GitHub.

Done in ~10 hours, I went from nothing to a simple shooter game, where multiple people can join (from clients on Windows, Linux, macOS, even Android in theory – though input on Android is not ready yet), send chat messages, and finally run and shoot. I went for a simple client-server architecture for this, just as a first attempt, with a central server that talks with all the clients — many other ways to do this are possible, but this was simplest to start with and indeed it works reliably for such a simple game.

The whole networking was done using RNL: Realtime Network Library, UDP-based network library for real-time applications and games, by Benjamin Rosseaux.

If you like it, please support us on Patreon:


  • (Edit: new-cameras was already merged to master!) It relies on CGE new-cameras branch, which is not yet merged to master. I wrote more about new features there in this post. It takes me a while to finish it (and merge to CGE master branch) — I have there still TODOs to fix mouse look in editor on Windows, improve 2D viewports, improve undo wrt. to cameras.

  • Now that I’m more familiar with RNL, I want to refactor some messages code, to make it both simpler and more powerful.

  • It uses my fork of RNL for now, which contains a very ugly hack to hide occasional problem with sending messages. I have to debug whether it is caused by my code, or by RNL unit, and of course fix. Unfortunately the crash occurs ~randomly, and never when testing through localhost, only on remote server. So it’s a pain to catch it.

  • There are problems with macOS (mouse look, freetype) and Android (all input) clients. For now, Linux and Windows clients are really stable and advised.

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Fixes to GL context sharing in editor

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CGE editor with preview

Our editor relies on the fact that multiple TCastleControl instances work OK. This is turn requires that Lazarus TOpenGLControl (ancestor of our TCastleControl) supports sharing OpenGL resources (CGE caches assume that OpenGL data is shared across contexts). I submitted Lazarus pull requests to fix this:

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How to use GitHub Actions with your CGE project to get automatic builds

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GitHub Actions artifacts

This is now documented in CGE manual about GitHub Actions.

We’ve made it so easy to use GitHub Actions to get automatic builds for your projects, done by GitHub, after every commit. You have to try this 🙂

  1. Download this file: build.yml and place it at .github/workflows/build.yml path in your project. That is, create a subdirectory .github, then subdirectory workflows, then put the build.yml file inside.

    See the sample project castle-game using it.

  2. Then commit, push and just watch the GitHub “Actions” tab as it picks up the commit and automatically rebuilds the project for:

    • Windows (x86_64)
    • Linux (x86_64)
    • Android (APK contains both 32-bit and 64-bit ARM code)
    • macOS (x86_64)

    Ready files are available in the “Artifacts” section. Download them, unpack — ready binary release of your game, for 4 systems above. You don’t need to do builds.

    Note that they will disappear after some time (90 days by default). If you want to preserve them you can e.g. make a GitHub release with them (and maybe even we will automate this too in the future, to make auto-updated “snapshot” release).

The actions execute on GitHub-hosted servers, completely free for open-source projects. They rely on Castle Game Engine Docker image and use the latest CGE “snapshot” revision and latest stable FPC (3.2.2) now. The build is done by executing CGE build tool with proper options. You don’t really need to understand it all — our build.yml just does it for you.

This is my first shot at implementing a new feature in CGE: “Automatic Cloud Builds” that you can quickly turn on when creating new CGE project, and will place a suitable file to integrate your project with

  • Jenkins (your own Jenkins instance, that has to support declarative pipeline and Docker, similar to CGE Jenkins). This implies using a Jenkinsfile like this.

  • GitHub Actions – based on above, this implies using .github/workflows/build.yml.

  • GitLab CI. This means creating a file like .gitlab-ci.yml (example in FPC repo).

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view3dscene now available also for macOS and Raspberry Pi

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view3dscene on macOS

You can now download view3dscene builds for macOS (Intel-based macs) and Raspberry Pi. These new platforms are an addition to the existing Linux and Windows builds, that of course remain available too.

view3dscene is a viewer for all 3D and 2D model formats supported by Castle Game Engine, in particular glTF, X3D, VRML, Spine JSON, sprite sheets. It is a useful tool for Castle Game Engine developers (when you double-click on a model in CGE editor we actually open view3dscene), and for anyone else who just wants to view pretty 3D models downloaded from the Internet (test e.g. on glTF files from Sketchfab).

view3dscene snapshots for macOS and Raspberry Pi are automatically rebuild by Jenkins after every commit to view3dscene and Castle Game Engine (that passes a number of automated tests) so they will continue to reflect the very latest features.

macOS notes:

  1. macOS app bundle is not signed (for now). For the first time, you have to run it by clicking with right mouse button, choosing “Open” from the context menu, and then accepting to run an unsigned application. Next time you can run as usual, by just double-clicking on the application.

  2. view3dscene for macOS benefits from latest huge improvements for macOS users in Castle Game Engine. It uses new CGE Cocoa backend (native look, easy build), is packaged to an app bundle etc. Thanks for MacStadium, we now have remote macOS machine available 24/7, for Jenkins and for interactive work, and this allows to build and test view3dscene on macOS forever.

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Summary of 2nd Open Meeting for CGE Users and Developers, and announcing the 3rd meeting – September 17th

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Open Meeting - Michalis presentation
Open Meeting - Andrzej presentation

Thank you all for joining on today’s 2nd open meeting!

I am immediately announcing our next meeting, on September 17th. Click here to register on Discord, add it to your calendar etc.

Summary of today’s meeting:

  1. Summary of new/upcoming features:

    1. I talked about new camera/navigation features. On new-cameras branch, very very close to being finished + merged to master 🙂

    2. Andrzej Kilijański talked about new physics features. On physics branch, likewise very close to being finished 🙂

    3. I showed engine on macOS, a recent new feature.

  2. I talked a bit about future:

    1. Stuff from from 2022 plans remains in place. We did some planned things, remaining: modifying materials, new examples/fps_game/, Steam, nodes optimization.

    2. I am doing lots of thinking about our “message to new users”. It comes down to better communication how we’re equal/competitive to other engines (cross-platform, editor, powerful OOP API), but also how we’re special (glTF, X3D, native Pascal) and what advantages come from it. I plan to reorganize our webpage to communicate this.

    3. Easy installers. Snapcraft on Linux. Package with bundled FPC and Lazarus (with Lazarus preconfigured for single window (anchor docking), dark theme).

    4. Automation. We want to provide ready files that will make your projects build by GitHub Actions and GitLab CI.

  3. We talked about a few things:

    1. Code editor (I talked about how we decided to use Lazarus. Although VS Code is also very appealing — but Lazarus’ code tools for Pascal and debugger win)

    2. Kagamma mentioned: a way to assign events inside castle-editor. I did’t find time to address it, but the short answer is: yes!

    3. WebGL (using FPC WebAssembly) port is anticipated by everyone, including me 🙂

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Huge improvements for macOS users: macOS binary beta release, Cocoa backend for TCastleWindow, automatic running and packing using AppBundle, access to macOS thanks to MacStadium

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Castle Game Engine editor on macOS
Castle Game Engine editor on macOS
castle-view-image on macOS
view3dscene on macOS - file dialog
view3dscene on macOS - color dialog
view3dscene on macOS
Simple alert on macOS

We have a number of game-changing improvements for macOS users today!

  1. We have Castle Game Engine binary release, for macOS, available to download here. Download it and enjoy! Just unpack the zip and double-click castle-editor inside the bin/ subdirectory.

    UPDATE: due to important bug being fixed, I updated the above link to lead to latest CGE for macOS, not the older version announced at this date.

    Note: You have to still separately install FPC (and some IDE, like Lazarus) e.g. using Lazarus install for macOS or fpcupdeluxe.

    Note: our applications are not (yet) signed. Double-clicking for the first time on castle-editor will result in an unhelpful error. Just right-click on it instead, choose “Open” from the context menu, and then you will be able to confirm that you want to run an unsigned application.

    Soon: This macOS build will be automatically updated by Jenkins, and available prominently on our main page just like other platforms. UPDATE: This is done now 🙂

  2. Your CGE applications now build on macOS without any extra steps, because we have a Cocoa backend in TCastleWindow. It is a fully-featured TCastleWindow backend, that supports:

    Previously our support for macOS was weird — we had only non-optimal options:

    1. you could use X11 or GTK backends, but they don’t look native
    2. you could use LCL backend, with Cocoa underneath, but then compilation was more cumbersome: you needed to open project in Lazarus and change dependency from castle_window to alternative_castle_window_based_on_lcl.

    This is solved now. Our TCastleWindow will just use Cocoa (without the need for LCL in the middle) directly, and the code is simple and the effect is a 100% native look.

    This also means that you can build macOS applications from the build tool, or from CGE editor (using menu item “Compile And Run”, F9), and it just works like on other platforms.

    The Cocoa backend in TCastleWindow was based on

  3. CGE applications now run on macOS using application bundle, which is an Apple invention to “package” an application as a directory like along with some metadata and conventions (where to place executable, data, icon etc.). This is necessary to make macOS GUI application fully functional, also with main menu.

    When running we create a temporary AppBundle, using symlinks to the actual files (so the process is lighting fast, even if you have large game data, as we will not copy the data — only symlink to the whole data directory).

    This applies to running from CGE editor, or using castle-engine run from the command-line.

  4. Also, CGE applications are packaged to application bundle.

    This applies to packaging from CGE editor, or when using castle-engine package. You can also request the AppBundle format explicitly, using proper CGE editor menu item, or on command-line castle-engine package --package-format=mac-app-bundle.

    App bundles are also used throughout the CGE packaging. castle-editor, view3dscene, castle-view-image are packed by "" to an app bundle, and they execute each other through a path in the bundle. Custom editor (in case you define project-specific custom components) is likewise run through the app bundle.

  5. File associations now work on macOS as well, thanks to some automatic code from Cocoa backend. Opening the associated file will be reported using TCastleWindow.OnDropFiles.

    The syntax to specify file associations has been changed and extended, to accomodate more options.

    See example manifests how to specify associations in view3dscene, castle-view-image.

  6. By the way of all this, an improvement for all platforms: CGE editor passes now to CGE build tool the detected CGE location. This makes some setups working more reliably, in case your CGE editor can detect CGE location but CGE build tool doesn’t (or would detect a different location).

  7. By the way of all this, TCastleWindow.ColorDialog allows to edit alpha (not only RGB) of the color. Only backends Xlib, Cocoa actually allow user to edit alpha now.

This was all possible thanks to the MacStadium open-source program which provides us now full remote access to a macOS machine. This gives us long-term access to macOS, for the purpose of improving CGE support for macOS and iOS, so we can put work into perfect support and testing for these platforms!

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Save the date: Next weekend: 2nd Open Meeting for CGE Users and Developers

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Castle Game Engine editor - sample compilation error

The time is near! Join Michalis Kamburelis and other Castle Game Engine developers, contributors and users at our 2nd meeting on Discord.

The meeting will happen at 15:00 (UTC timezone) on Saturday, 4th June.

Meeting will be on our Discord channel #open_meeting.

Please keep your mic muted when you’re not speaking, to avoid the noise 🙂


  1. Presentation of new/upcoming big CGE features: new camera and navigation features, physics, macOS Cocoa, and more.

  2. Your turn 🙂 I want to invite everyone to showcase what you are working on! I hope to make this a 2-way show, in which everyone interested has time to take the stage and show whatever (s)he wants.

  3. This is also the time for questions. I will be more than happy to answer any questions about the engine — how to do something, what do we plan etc.

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Big update to “Custom Components” documentation, critical localization fix

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Custom component in CGE editor

I have extended the Custom Components documentation, to serve as a good overview for people who want to create new components that are registered in CGE editor.

  1. Nicer introduction and consolidates important information from other pages,

  2. Documented publishing classes: using subcomponents, references, observing them using TFreeNotificationObserver

  3. Documented when and why you should use SetTransient

  4. There’s also a description of new TSerializationProcess features: (De)Serializing other values (not just published properties). This is preliminary, i.e. the feature is not yet available on master, only on new-cameras branch.

    TSerializationProcess was extended to allow you to read/write custom instances and simple types (integer, string, boolean, single) and vectors/colors to design file. This allows to

    1. have internal information (not published, may be even private) that is still serialized/deserialized (use-case: storing design-time camera and navigation params in editor),

    2. have backward compatibility for old designs by reading an old property name from file, and converting it to new property immediately. This allows to remove old property names from code, but still support it for file reading.

We also fixed a critical localization bug. And added auto-tests so that the bug will never return 🙂

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Compositing shaders improvements, “Mountains of Fire” demo updated

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Mountains of Fire

I have improved the available “plugs” for our compositing shaders mechanism and updated their documentation.

The overall goal was to make them friendly when you target only Phong shading, or want to switch between Phong and Gouraud shading.

  • New PLUG_fragment_modify, simplest way to modify calculation after lighting, textures, fog are applied. This is also used now in the initial examples on Chapter 5. Extending the shaders with plugs.

  • Clear warning when trying to use deprecated PLUG_texture_apply.

  • Improved documentation about new things, and differences between Phong and Gouraud shading — PLUG_main_texture_apply, PLUG_texture_apply, PLUG_lighting_apply all necessarily behave a bit different depending on shading.

I have also updated Mountains of Fire (see also game page) a bit, to use new shader effects.

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