News from SVN — X3D multi-texturing, cube maps and more
Hi! I didn't post a message here since some time, but rest assured that the development of next engine version continues :) Things already implemented in the SVN include:
) is implemented (both reading and writing, you can even use glViewImage as a simple DDS editor).GeneratedCubeMapTexture
" (analogous to X3D standard modes in CAMERA space) to make simulating real reflections trivial.The plan for the next release (view3dscene 3.4, engine 1.8) is to polish implementation of all above (yes, there are some known problems, also GeneratedCubeMapTexture
implementation is severely unoptimal now), and add related texturing and GLSL features:
from InstantReality (that's easy since it's internally simpler than GeneratedCubeMapTexture
).For the impatient: nightly builds of all binaries (including view3dscene) are available. They are build automatically every night using current SVN code. Use at your own risk, of course — they do contain some known bugs. For now, they are made for Linux and Windows (32-bit).