Rename "Kambi VRML game engine" to "Castle Game Engine", moving to SourceForge Allura platform, my slides from TPCG11
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Hi everyone,
The first news is that you can see "Castle Game Engine" title slapped everywhere around the webpages :), instead of old "Kambi VRML game engine". That's right: as announced previously, we rename our engine to a new, better name.
Most old URLs will still work, appropriate redirects are done to go to the new castle-engine website.
We have new forum, and new wiki, and a new Flattr button:
Please click this to donate, thank you :)
New SourceForge project page. We use new SourceForge 2.0 Allura project platform — I think it works quite nicely. And we get nice wiki and forum for free, we'll try to use them (instead of MediaWiki and awfully ugly+bloated PhpBB).
The URL of SVN repository changed. You can "svn switch" your existing repository, like
svn switch --relocate
Or you can just do a fresh "svn checkout" of course. There are different protocols available to access the new SVN repository, for maximum comfort and flexibility. Links on my page will advice the http:// protocol usually (as it's easy to check it also in a WWW browser, without SVN client).
We have a new page (no stats there yet, looks like has problems with SVN polling) and a new ohloh page. Old page and old ohloh page should not be used anymore (please update your bookmarks etc.).
For now, downloads still go to the old vrmlengine project space, although this is probably not noticeable — just click the link and download, all works Ok. This will be changed with the next release of view3dscene and everything else, when I'll upload everything to new castle-engine space and update links.
I was at TPCG11 conference and gave a talk about our "Compositing Shaders in X3D" idea this month. I think it went quite good :) Slides from the presentation are available.
Various small website improvements, like nice OS icons for download links (we use CC icons from here), added Google +1 button on the main page.