Development news: huge Collada import improvements
Our Collada importer received a lot of improvements this week. They improve both rendering of Collada models, and converting them to X3D (as our importer simply loads Collada to X3D node graph in memory). As always, remember that you can try all the new features immediately by downloading a binary from our nightly builds!
New Collada features handled:
<extra> <technique profile="MAYA"> <double_sided>1</double_sided> </technique> </extra>Any value <> 0 as double_sided means "true".
Our Collada import was tested on many models from COLLADA Test Model Bank and on Collada models exported from Blender 2.58.
Note that Blender currently writes incorrect normals (disregarding "Auto Smooth Angle"), this makes some models exported from Blender (Collada as well as X3D) have incorrect shading.
Also, VRML/X3D demo models 3.0.1 have been released, with minor fixes and updates, including better webpage text.
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