Release: view3dscene 3.5.0, engine 2.0.0, others
Today we release a grand new 2.0.0 version of the Kambi VRML game engine and a new version 3.5.0 of our main tool, view3dscene. Other minor programs here are also updated, to bring bugfixes to them. Changes:
User-visible features:
Programmer-visible engine features:
), a manager of the 3D world.TKamViewport
) easily usable with our scene manager.TKamGLButton
, TKamGLImage
, better TGLMenu
and more. Viewports are also 2D controls.src/
, examples/
etc. directories.For more details about the changes, see the news archive.
For people waiting for new castle 1.0.0 release: not yet, but should happen very soon.
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