Castle Game Engine 5.1.1 release (Spine, build tool, more), view3dscene 3.15.0 release
We proudly present, after 7 months of work, the next official release of our engine:)
As usual, we also release view3dscene 3.15.0, our 3D/2D model browser and converter.
New features of the engine and view3dscene:
can read font with extra international characters.
for example of use.
Also Android emulator is working now with our programs.
Also be sure to install on your Android device a demo of Castle Game Engine + Spine. It's completely free of course, and the source code is one of the examples in Castle Game Engine sources.
"Dragon Spine" is also available for Windows or Linux. You can also watch the video!.
Check out also some games using Castle Game Engine:
Copyright Michalis Kamburelis and Castle Game Engine Contributors.
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