Castle Game Engine 5.1.2 release (fixes to TCastleControl, tutorial, more)
Castle Game Engine version 5.1.2 was just released! This release brings a couple of fixes and improvements to the engine.
OnOpen: TNotifyEvent OnClose: TNotifyEvent OnBeforeRender: TNotifyEvent OnRender: TNotifyEvent OnResize: TNotifyEvent OnPress: TControlInputPressReleaseEvent OnRelease: TControlInputPressReleaseEvent OnMotion: TControlInputMotionEvent OnUpdate: TNotifyEvent
These should be used to watch open/close of context, to watch key/mouse events and to perform continuous updates. For detailed documentation of them, see TCastleControlCustom reference.
Some previously published stuff on TCastleControl
is deprecated now and will be removed in next release (sorry, we have to break compatibility — this old stuff really doesn't make much sense, all new code should use new events). Also, the deprecated OnPaint
was fixed — just in case you're using it (but please switch to using OnRender
The beginning of the tutorial was much streamlined. We fixed some wording, removed a lot of useless info, and made the beginning of the tutorial really smooth. Now, you really quickly get to the "I made a 3D game!" stage :)
Also, the tutorial chapter "Adding a simple moving object" was added.
Copyright Michalis Kamburelis and Castle Game Engine Contributors.
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