Development news: fixed view and isometric games in engine examples, shadow maps improvements, color interpolation in HSV space
Hi everyone, here's a summary of improvements done to the engine in last month.
Remember you can check all new features of view3dscene immediately by downloading a binary from our nightly builds. To get new engine examples, you can download engine from SVN. Have fun!
Both these examples were converted from an unfinished (but maintained for a long time) games in the SVN. We also plan to add an example fps_game to engine 3.0.0 release, which will show the main purpose of the engine — full 3D games.
Shadow maps improvements:
Shadow maps generation optimized a lot. This speeds up greatly (2 times or more in our tests) scenes when shadow maps are dynamic (recreated every frame).
We now use a special mode for rendering shadow maps, that essentially only sends pure geometry and textures for shadow maps. Textures are send since they may be needed for alpha test (in the future, we may improve this to actually ignore other textures).
Many Variance Shadow Maps improvements. They are quite usable now, if you have sufficiently good GPU (with good float texture support). Work fast, and honor alpha test textures (typically used for wired cages, tree leaves etc.).
There are still some problems with VSM (which is why they aren't used by default):
You're most welcome to test Variance Shadow Maps yourself. For starters, just get demo models, and open models inside shadow_maps subdirectory there with view3dscene. shadow_maps/sunny_street/sunny_street.x3dv
is one test worth trying, projected_spotlight_*
is the other. Turn on Variance Shadow Maps by menu item "View -> Shadow Maps -> Variance Shadow Maps". Please report on forum the GPUs where they work / where they don't, this will help me get some idea where they can/should be enabled by default.
unit.Copyright Michalis Kamburelis and Castle Game Engine Contributors.
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